Partners in Our Community

Life Builders

Life Builders enhances the lives of adults with developmental disabilities by providing opportunities to create inclusion within the community.  Marion Life Builders meets during the week at our location.


Aspire Ministries

Marion County churches
serving together as the Body of Christ.

Aspire Ministries is a network of partner churches in Marion County that uses our shared Connection Center to engage and help our neighbors in need. We aim to see churches working together in unity, committed to helping individuals and families in need grow toward self-sufficiency and transformation by the love of Christ.


Hands of Hope

Hands of Hope Housing Project of Marion Ohio was founded by The Marion Ohio Pastors and Ministers Community


Luke 311 Ministries

We partner with this ministry bringing services to many in our community with the Peanut Butter and Jelly Truck and Loads of Laundry.

Supporting our Missionaries

First Presbyterian has a long history of cultivating local missionaries and supporting their work.

Click on each family to learn more